Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's Been A While

Tuesday, January 13, 2008

It's been awhile since I've been on. Been a bit busy and preoccupied with work and a few personal matters... Hehe... Anywhoo, lemme just summarize my last week.

Monday to Thursday, I went about my business as usual... Work,morning gym (actually only twice last week), a massage on Monday, movie with B and VGF on tues (Baler), dinner again with B on Wednesday at Pollo Loco (and they do have a branch at MOA), and lastly, watched probably one of the worst (and slowest) movies of the year, The Spirit with B and VGF. Gosh! It was actually a busy week... Hehehe...

(Reviews on the movies will be up later today (not like anyone cares... Hehehe)

Anywhoo, during the weekend, my family and I took the Boracay trip that I told you guys a few weeks ago... The trip was.. ummm... So-so... Probably because half the time I was in the room sleeping bcause my head ached like a mug! My god.. Am thinking about getting checked...

Anyways, I've never been to Bora on a January. The air was cooler, the water was higher, colder, and bluer... The weather was also a bit gloomy and short drizzles were consistent (I didn't get a tan (MEGA SADNESS!)). The island could be literally disguised as a foreign country due to the amount of foreigners on the island. I barely saw locals at night or in the hotel. Gosh! VGF would've died of happiness! :-) And

It was actually darker than this...

On our early flight back on Sunday, the Zest Air (aka Asian Spirit) aircraft had problems landing in the Caticlan airport and basically had an accident. I'll post the pics on a seperate post...

By the way, am officially (and REALLY) back!!

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