Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thursday... Wooooo-Ooooooh!
Okay, so the week has progressed faster than I would've expected...
So many things unfolded this week... Plans, resignations, PLANS, and well, and my cluelessness-NESS...
Gosh... It's not what you all are thinking, am not resigning... NO NO NO! Hehe... I like my job (so far) to ever leave it, but you never know... My blog is called the UNEMPLOYMENT Diaries... So in the words of my B-B-Btot, you can never can tell... Hehe... Anyways, am trying to soak up all the information I could from everyone here... Somewhat like, you know, a SPONGE! A big fat sponge with skinny jeans and "lumuluwa" na fat sa sides (or in short, a bad case of fashionably-inexcusable muffin top-PING). I do hope I get thin here...
I have sooo much to say but so little energy or will power to say it... or to be exact, to think and type about it... I'll do a-super-di-super-mega-out of this world update this weekend... or friday night, casue am thinking, I might be going home early... will probably be a bit tired to go out... anywhoo, let's see mizzzzie schwiissy...
Til next time...
Mega post promise...
Monday, March 23, 2009
GG on Rollingstone
I LUV it!!
I'll buy a copy tomorrow... =)
Notice how Blake Lively's eyes are enchanting in every pic!!
She's GORGE!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009
For the complete article, checkout iLounge. (Pictures taken from same site). Here's some of the pictures to wet your appetites!!

Something I deem useful for those alone int he car singing moments, a FREE voice recorder!! Keeping my fingers crossed for a video recorder!! =)
There's more new features actually, but these were the few that I personally, just LOVE! For a complete list and details.. do read the article from iLounge.
Punyetang Deja Vu
Punyeta! Punyeta! PUNYETA!!
How do I react?! How do I handle this?!
In the words of Bob Sinclair... (World) HOLD ON!!!
A Quiet Day...
It's Sunday everyone... Happy family day!!
So it's confirmed, my family and I are going to HK on April 3-5. Yay!! H&M and Joyce, here I come!! My parents said were going to Disneyland, sooo... ummm... I guess, I should say yay to that as well. yay (sigh).
I don't see the purpose of Disneyland. I'm 25++ and Disneyland isn't really my thing... I'd prefer to waste my day hoarding the malls... But let's see... You never know. (FYI, I don't ride rollercoasters... ahem ahem)
Anywhoo, last night, B, VGF, and I saw Taken.
My god! I was really at the edge of my seat... The whole plot, the timings, the execution, the acting... It was JUST PERFECT! Liam Neeson rocked his role! (RIP to Nastasha Richardson... He must be so sad now)... I loved how he worked his skills in the movie. I especially LOVED, as in MEGA LOVED, how he found Marco!! GOODLUCK!
Taray!! If you guys could actually see me while I'm writing this... My feet's jumping around trying to remeber the scenes... God! Go watch it!! I swear... I haven't had a movie affect me this way since Crash, Million Dollar Baby, or Cinderella Man.
Check out the trailer!! Just love!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Filling The Room
It’s been a week… Eeeerghh…
Do you guys ever feel that feeling of irrelevancy? That feeling of serving no other purpose than a room filler? Well, that’s what I’m feeling… I feel so dumb and “air-headed” amongst the people here… I’m guessing, the fact that am new and quite clueless about a lot of the processes and logistics of the industry is a major factor, but I guess also, the fact that maybe, well, I am a bit of an (and this is badly put), an “air-head”. Eerrrgh! Major eeergh….
Anyways, I’m quite sure that this is the career (advertising) that I want to pursue… And I guess, in time, I’ll learn everything… In TIME… But I do hope it happens soon… Because I feel so “hiya” to my boss, who’s working so hard and goes home like SOOOOOO LATE! Grabe… Sobrang nakakahiya talaga…
Ay naku, I’m trying to think and look for POSITIVE things today…
I SHALL smile…
Til tomorrow…
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Call Me Bee...
Busy as a Bee ang drama ko kanina... It might sound simple to most, but my lack of actual brain activity for the past how many months made writing a contact report quite challenging... Ahahaha! Am I that stupid?!? Oh well... It's done...
You know what they say... practice makes... YOU PERFECT...
Soooo... Been so out of the "BLOG LOOP" this week and can I just say... IT SUCKS!! I left the office at 8 today and decided to just skip the gym altogether and head on over to Gb5 to look at new stuff... Some Window Retail Therapy for the soul "kuno".
Went into Marc and checked out the Mr. Marc tote... It was LOVE!!! Just pure Looooove!!! But I thought that 9000 for a canvas rectangle tote with no inside pockets was worth the price...
No no no!! But on the other hand... The drawing was just soooooooo overly over cute, and the color... Well, the color... It was GORGE!! And to make matters worse... There's only one piece left... Haaaay... Moving on... I shall decide this weekend...
They also had the Hugo shoulder/backpack bag!! This was toooo DIE FOOOR!!It was 17500... the material was the "NEW" canvas, which is somewhat like the shiny canvas that converse uses for it chucks... Anyways, this was cute... Especially now since i'm in the market for backpacks... Hmmmm....
Anywhoo, my therapy translated into frustration, and I knew for a fact, I won't... eeergh.. strike that... CAN'T leave the mall without buying something... I ended up buying cute little khaks from Zara... Something for work I guess... Seemed practical at the time... Especially since the mall was closing... Mega panic buying... Ahahaha....
After, I headed home, hoping to watch Gossip Girl 18 cause I downloaded it last night... only to find out that the download was a failure... Eeergh... Downloading it again now... Heard it was good... Hmmm... Can't wait...
Anwyhoo, I shall put a cast on my teeth now and shock my clammy hands...
Til next time...
Monday, March 16, 2009
The First Of Many Firsts
OMG! So my anxiety is defintely on an EXTREME HIGH today... Today was my first day of my new JOB! My god... My hands were clammier than usual, my throat was dry, and my words, well, they weren't coming out. It's really just a good thing that everyone here is SOOOOO friendly and accomodating... Love it...
Anywhoo, just giving you guys a little update...
Til next time...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Goodbye Somni...
It's Friday the 13th you guys... Be safe... =)
Anyways, today's my last day here at Somni... The moment I got in, Camille looked at me with a frown. I think it was a sincere sign that she was going to miss me... Awwww... Well, i'm gonna miss her too...
I'm gonna miss the whole office. I feel a bit sad in leaving. A part of me actually wants to stay, while the other wants to try new things... Anyways, I don't have much to say today, except, Happy FRIDAY the 13th you guys!! Happy Weekend!!
Wish me luck for Monday. I hate first days!! Eeeergh!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I Can't Go!!

Hunger Pains
For the past two days, I've only been allowed to eat "white" food; food that won't stain my teeth; food that won't share it's color with the open pores of my newly whitened teeth.
Yes you guys, I had it bleached...
The whole procedure was a bit tiring. I felt a few stings during the procedure, but that was about it. The pain excruciatingly came after. Sudden THROBS came from my teeth being exposed to cold air...
I stayed quiet for a day... Hoping to keep my mouth closed to minimize the pain...

"There was a collective gasp in the room when the duck was brought out. Its vibrant, golden skin glistened with oil and through the cracks; fragrant steam was lovingly beckoning out appetites." - Yuuuumm!! Am salavating just thinking about it...

Til tomorrow you guys... =)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
An Errand Full Day
Today, I played hookey and decided to do all my errands...
To make sure I didn't forget a single thing, I wrote it all down...
Ended up with a full page of seemingly useless and shallow errands that am sure would raise a few eyebrows.
A few of the importants things on the list:
1. Get my medical for Saatchi.
2. Go get my teeth cleaned.
3. Pick up and drop off laundry.
4. Pick up RR's card for Mike
5. Get jeans cut.
Some of my seemingly shallow errands
1. Look for new Iphone and camera casing.
2. Find the perfect notebook for work next Monday.
3. Look for a "fun" pen. (fun being, subtly attention getting)
4. Look for colorful plastic folders or handout/xerox holders.
5. Purchase the perfect top for my 1st day of work.
Anywhoo... I didn't get to completely check everything off, but I did however manage to do most of the important things that I know I wouldn't be able to do on the weekend. Soooo APPLAUD FOR ME. =)
I did however forget to get my (64) little warts (ewwwww) removed which was suppoed to be done since Sunday... Healing usually takes 6-7 days... I start work at Saatchi in 6 days... What to do?? Gosh!
Suggestions anyone??
Raf Simmons Eastpak Collabo
Upon arriving at the store, the window display was the bags... They were GORGEOUS!! The one I wanted was the mesh duffel... and from the looks of it, they ran out of stock of the denim with camel/beige leather accents...
Anywhoo, given my background on previous Eastpack bags, I would've imagined the bag to cost between 6-10K at max... I thought they'd do something similiar to what CDG did with H&M (which was make the prices reasonable and affordable for the everyday man), but no... The one I wanted (Mesh Duffel) costed 22k. The backpack costed, if I remember correctly, 14500. My god... I had to pass...
And due to my sudden disappointment, I lost all will to take pictures of the bags and the window display... Eeeerghhh...
Monday, March 09, 2009
Yesterday still hasn't gone!

I'm Jealous... My Peg!!
Oh well, PAPEL!!

Camera Applications For The Iphone
Camera Genius basically tries to maximize the capability of your camera by adding anti-blur, "touch-anywhere" click, sound-clicking... and a few more seemingly useful features which ironically, I find irrelevant... But if you really analyze the application, it isn't really as useful as you might have thought it would be...
Camera Bag on the other hand is a LOMO application that translates your picture into various formats, such as Helga (which am guessing is the same effect as the Holga camera), Fisheye, Mono, an Instant Camera, and many more... It was actually at first, quite fun and interesting to try out all the settings, but after a few days, it did get tiring... I do see a few uses for a few of the options... Better than Camera Genius, HANDS DOWN!
And lastly, my favorite out of the three, Quad Camera, which takes 4 or 8 shots consecutively to catch everything while it's moving. Really nice... I use it LIKE everyday... And the camera has a whole of set of picture quaity effects such as Dull, Vivid Color, Grayscale, etc.... The only downfall to this camera is that, since at time's the pictures are taken quite fast, you end up with a few blurry pics...
Here are a few samples... I used the 4x1 format, but they have other formats such as 2x2 or 8x1 or 4x2. I strongly recommend this to anyone who'd like to make the most out of their Iphone's Camera...

Who Did It Better??
Here's Angel and Anne looking like million dollar sex kittens in their billboards!
Loves it! Loves it! Loves it!!

Sweaty Hands???
I have had sweaty hands (and sometimes even sweaty feet) ever since I was a kid. I have been desperate to try to find some way to minimize the sweat, but nothing has worked. It has actually stopped before, but that was when I went on a very strict and limiting liquid diet... I'm guessing, in theory, all the toxins in my body was flushed out, and somehow that cleared my sweat glands... or something something...
Anyways, I came across this video on the net a few weeks ago, and out of desperaton, I will try the treatment out tonight...
Reading the reviews, I'm going into this with a positive outlook and hopeful expectations... Kepp your fingers crossed people... HOPE IT WORKS!!
Who's Your Daddy?!?
The waiters were attentive and they gave us everything we needed without having to ask for it. The food was also quite good...

Our waiter Joel, who was quite attentive and knew the menu front to back, sliced the ribs tableside....

'Til next food review. =)