Happy Friday you guys!!
My last day at work is a week away... God, it seems so close... Aaaargh... Am so scared... New office, new environment, new everything. I'm literally trying to mentally psych myself up for all the changes that are bound to occur. Am getting goosebumps just thinking about it...
Anywhoo, last night, I was bound for the mall to AVAIL of a long overdue diamond peel (with a facial of course). My skin has been through a lot the past few months... The colder than cold air in the office, the dirty and polluted makati ave air, the aridly dry weather... Eerrgh... How "kawawa" my skin... Gosh!! Anyways, after the treatment, my face was feeling mighty fresher than FRESH! and it was just heaven!!
I SHALL be back this coming Sunday to get some warts removed...
Isn't that just nasty?!? I didn't even know my face had 64 little warts growing and feeding on my skin... Eerrrgh... Just eeeergh.... Anyways, Sunday will be an exciting and FUN day. I'll be attending Erina's baptism, or more like the reception. I love seeing my college batchmates... They are truly a breath of fresh air... Jusssssssssst LOOOOVVVEEEE!!!
I was actually planning on wearing shorts to the reception.. errr, BAPTISM, because it was of course Sunday, which is an excusable day to WEAR SHORTS... Yes, I declared it, SUNDAY IS WEAR SHORTS day... well, at least it is for me... Anyways, before I got ahead of myself, Jho texted and asked me about the dress code... I couldn't say shorts... so I said casual... And then she said, maybe something casual, but not SO casual (huh?!? what does that even mean?!?)...
So I guess shorts is SOOOO out of the picture..
Also, this Saturday, I'll be attending a soap making class... How FUN right?!?! I've actually been excited to go to the class since I signed up for it... I hope we make good soaps... The soaps B and I bought at Ilog Maria are so nice... Really wished I would've bought more...
Right now, i'm in love with their carrot soap!! I use it LIKE everyday for my face... It feels so refreshing, and my skin feels so much smoother after, and it's smells soooooo GOOOD!! I mean, my usual facial wash (which I shall not name) costs almost Php2000, and it doesn't feel as good as the Php60 soap from Ilog Maria... It was just love!!

And lastly, yesterday, my favorite girls from Ralph texted... They suggested that I come by because they reserved new shirts for me... One of each of the new custom fit tees in a medium... God, I love them to pieces... I guess it helps when you give your SA's gifts on xmas right?? I love them... I shall be headed to Shang this lunch to see which ones to really hold so my dad could purchase them... Ahihihi... as much as I love the Ralph SA's... I love my dad even more....
And while I'm at Shang, I'm secretly keeping my fingers crossed that they have this at Burberry...

Til the next post... =)
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