Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Diva and Halo By Beyonce

Okay... So I guess Beyonce is releasing two songs at a time... I wonder why??

Anywhoo, I would've picked a better song from the Sasha Album... Video Phone, Sweet Dreams, or even Radio?? Of all songs... Diva?!?! I can't find a video that I could actually post on the site, but it's actually nothing special. The video, am guessing, is inspired by Lady Gaga. The shoulder pads, the futuristic shades.. God! Not lovin' the video at all...

On the other had, I'm lovin' Halo! It's one of my favorite songs off the I am... Beyonce album... The video however, is nothing special... Am a bit happy though that they didn't give the video the b&w treatment like the previous three, but it's still cheeeeezie!

Does she always have to wear a dance suit??

Anyways, check the Halo video out for yourselves...

Hope she'd start focusing on making better videos though... That should be her new year's resolution...


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